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Cloud computing is a new area of computing technology in Asia region. In developing countries, cloud computing is still in its infancy. The lack of a national ICT/IT policy remains a barrier in the development and advancement of cloud computing infrastructure within this part of the world.

Notwithstanding the advantages offered by cloud computing technologies, there exist several barriers in its acceptance and implementation within national and domestic platforms. And when you are a tech savvy, high is the chance you’d do really well playing some fun and interactive sports betting games via

The identification and proper exploration of all relevant legal issues pertaining to cloud computing activities in developing countries is therefore imperative if cloud computing is to be implemented within both governmental and industrial sectors.

In this regard, a comparative analysis of crucial aspects of cloud-computing within current legal and regulatory framework will be conducted.

Practical solutions and strategic policy proposal will be presented with a view to facilitate a holistic adoption of cloud computing technologies and activities within developing countries such as ASEAN and Asia-Pacific bloc.

Table of Contents


Executive Summary

Cloud Computing Phenomenon

Trend-setters of Cloud computing Technologies

Advantages of Nuclear Cloud Computing(NCC) Capability
Components of Nuclear Cloud Computing Technology(NCCT)

Adoption of Cloud computing Technology in Developing Countries

Comparative Analysis of Cloud Computing Capability

Policy consideration

Asian/Asia-Pacific and Domestic/National ICT/IT Policy

Industrial Reality in Asia region

Security Issue in Cloud Computing Spectrum

Legal Issues in Cloud Computing Spectrum

Compliance with laws relating to private data

Malaysia position

Case studies

Singapore position

Case studies

Cloud Computing from Islamic/Syariah Perspective

Prospects and Challenges

Proposals for Reform
